Welcome! You can access all recorded Festival content through the session pages in our Schedule.

Thank you to all of you who joined us live last week for an incredible 2nd Annual Festival of What Works.

The Festival of What Works is a unique, days-long, online celebration of community-led approaches to living well in place here in Salmon Nation—from the northern California coast to the slopes of Alaska and between. We spotlight who and what you need to know to build a bioregion where people, culture and nature all thrive.

Featured Events

Climate Resilient Salmon Event Graphic
After the Fire Event Graphic
Live Indigiqueer Storytelling Event Graphic
The Center Has Fallen Event Graphic

100+ Speakers

50+ Sessions

On-Demand Content

Full Schedule


Love what you are seeing at the Festival? To support the work of Salmon Nation, please contribute to our not-for-profit arm, The Magic Canoe

Thank you to our sponsors!

Full Day Sponsors

Session Sponsors

Honorarium Sponsors

Learn more about how to support the Festival of What Works here